A month of Sundays by Liz Byrski

I’ve been craving hopeful, uplifting books, and I had a feeling that A Month of Sundays might be just what I was looking for.

The story centres around four older women, Adele, Judy, Simone and Ros, who are the last remaining members of an online book club. Each of these women has unresolved issues in their past or their future that they need to face up to. Craving companionship, they decide to meet in person to housesit for a friend in the Blue Mountains.

Each woman comes to the holiday bringing a book that means something to them. As the women read and discuss the books, over copious cups of tea, it helps them see their own situation more clearly, and galvanises their resolve about what needs to change in their lives. The friendship and support of the other women is a healing balm that enables them to make some tough decisions.

As the title suggests, A month of Sundays is not a fast-paced read, but it is a satisfying one. I am quite a bit younger than these women, but I felt their wisdom and life experience reaching out to me through the pages. It’s my first time reading Liz Byrski, but it won’t be the last. She writes beautifully.

I think this would be a lovely, relaxing holiday read.

-Katrina Roe, RRL