
Digital resources at your fingertips

Riverina Regional Library provides access to a range of online resources including eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines, online storytimes etc.

To view the platforms available to all library members, select an option from the side menu.  Apps are available on most smart devices – links can be found on the eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines page.

To access most of our eLibrary products you will need to sign in with your library membership number beginning with an upper case R and then six numbers.

If you joined the library prior to July 2022, your password/PIN may be your date of birth expressed as DDMMYYYY – eg 21 March 1997 would be 21031997.

To reset your password, visit our online catalogue here.
Our FAQs may be of assistance, or you can also contact your local branch library or use the Contact Us form to ask for support.

Image of Library member card
Library membership card