Bland Library

Facilities & Services

  • Public access computers
  • Photocopier, fax, scanning, email, laminating and binding
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Local and family history
  • Community noticeboard
  • Home library service
  • Visitor information
  • Storytime POD/PC/PAD
  • School holiday programs
  • Book Club – First Monday of the month 10:30am (excluding January)
  • GOLD Club for Seniors – Every 2nd Monday 2:00pm
  • Tech Savvy Seniors – Every Tuesday 10:00am-12:00pm during school term
  • Knit n Knatter – Every 2nd Tuesday 2:00pm
  • LEGO Club – First Wednesday of the month 3:30pm (excluding January)
  • Storytime – Thursdays 10:30am during school term
  • Baby Bounce – Every 2nd Friday 10:30am during school term
  • Pals of the Pen – Every 2nd Friday 10:30am

Events at this branch

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Water Pistol Art

Tuesday 16 July, 10:30am

Bland Library

Join us at Bland Library for some creative, messy fun!


Sweet Science

Thursday 18 July, 10:30am

Bland Library

Join us for some science experiments using lollies, bikkies and all things sweet!


Baby Bounce

Every second Friday, 10:30am, during school terms

Bland Library

Bring your baby for a tender time of songs, cuddles, stories and play.